Pay Taxes and Fees
Look up your current and previous tax bills online.
Other Ways to Pay
Property Taxes by Phone Using Credit Card*
Real estate, personal property, and registered motor vehicle tax bills can be paid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by credit card* or debit card*.
Property Taxes by Mail with Tax Stub
Write bill number on check or money order.
Mecklenburg County Tax Collector
P.O. Box 71063
Charlotte, NC 28272 -1063
Property Taxes by Mail without Bill Stub
Write bill number on check or money order.
Mecklenburg County Tax Collector
P.O. Box 31457
Charlotte, NC 28231-1457
Business Taxes by Mail with Tax Return/Application
Write account number on check or money order.
City-County Tax Collector
P.O. Box 32728
Charlotte, NC 28232-2728
Property Taxes Using Online Banking
Payments sent electronically from your financial institution may take up to four business days after the date you authorized payment.
Please Note: The 24-digit bill number must be entered in the account number box to ensure proper posting to your bill. Payments received without a bill number will be rejected and returned.
Business Taxes Using Online Banking
Unlike property taxes, payments are sent as a paper check by a mail service rather than through an electronic format.
It may take up to six business days after the date you authorized your financial institution to make the payment before it is posted to your account.
Property Taxes by Paying In-Person
Valerie C. Woodard Center
3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 3000
Charlotte, NC 28208
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m
We accept cash, money order, check, credit card* or debit card* that can be used without a personal identification number.
Business Taxes by Paying In-Person
Valerie C. Woodard Center 3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 3000 Charlotte, NC 28208
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m
We accept cash, money order, check, credit card* or debit card* that can be used without a personal identification number.
* We accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. Debit cards that can be used without a personal identification number are also accepted.
A service fee will be charged by a third-party vendor for credit or debit card payments. Visa debit/Mastercard debit – convenience fee of $3.95. All other credit/debit cards – convenience fee of 2.35% or minimum of $1.95 fee charged. Mecklenburg County does not receive any portion of the service fee associated with this service.
No service fee is charged for eCheck transactions.
Checks must have drawer's name, drawer's address, check number, financial institution's name, and MICR numbers preprinted on the check. Checks must have the current date, numbers printed, the amount paid spelled out, and a signature. Mecklenburg County does not accept starter, counter, altered, or photocopied checks.

Learn more information about the taxes and their due dates.
Prorated Refund for Registered Motor Vehicle (RMV) Taxes
North Carolina General Statute 105-330.6(c) allows a taxpayer to turn in the vehicle’s license plate to the NC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and obtain a refund of taxes paid for the number of full months remaining in the vehicle’s tax year. Taxpayers may request a refund of RMV Taxes from the Office of the Tax Collector in the County where the vehicle is registered. The following documents are needed:
Form FS-20 the dated receipt provided by the NCDMV when the license plate is surrendered
A bill of sale or other proof of ownership transfer
Contact the Tax Customer Service Center at 704-336-7600 or via e-mail at [email protected] with any questions.
City Auto Fee Elderly Reduction Application
This form can be used by qualifying taxpayers to receive a $15.00 refund of the $30.00 Charlotte Auto Fee. In order to qualify, a taxpayer must be 65 years of age or older in the month in which the automobile registration expires and have a disposable income that does not exceed thirty-seven thousand, nine hundred dollars ($37,900). Disposable income includes all monies received from Social Security, retirement income, dividends, etc. for the prior year. The form must be filed within 30 days from the tax bill due date. Contact the Tax Customer Service Center at 704-336-7600 or via e-mail at [email protected] with any questions.
Offices to Contact When Starting a New Business
This list is a resource guide to help those who are starting a new business. It is important that business owners comply with all governmental regulations for opening and operating a business Please contact the Business Tax Collections unit by telephone at 980-314-4400 or via e-mail at [email protected] with any questions.
Prepared Food and Beverage Tax Return
The Prepared Food & Beverage Tax Return is remitted monthly by retailers who make food or beverages available for immediate human consumption Please contact the Business Tax Collections unit by telephone at 980-314-4400 or via e-mail at [email protected] with any questions.
Room Occupancy Tax Return
The Room Occupancy Tax Return is remitted monthly by those who rent rooms, lodging, or provides accommodation furnished by a hotel, motel, inn, tourist camp, or similar place in Mecklenburg County. Please contact the Business Tax Collections unit by telephone at 980-314-4400 or via e-mail at [email protected] with any questions.
Vehicle Rental Tax Return
The Vehicle Rental Tax Return is remitted monthly by those engaged in leasing or renting vehicles to the public on a short-term basis. Please contact the Business Tax Collections unit by telephone at 980-314-4400 or via e-mail at [email protected] with any questions.
Heavy Equipment Tax Return
The Heavy Equipment Tax Return is remitted quarterly by those who rent or lease heavy equipment on a short-term basis. Please contact the Business Tax Collections unit by telephone at 704-336-7600 or via e-mail at [email protected] with any questions.